What is Biotechnology and what are 4 domains of biotechnology?

Biotechnology is made up of two words Bio+Technology. Biotechnology is nothing but the application of technology on biological substances. Making of bread,curd which is a microbe mediated process can be thought of as a biotechnological process. But , this is not the case, as the term biotechnology is usually used in a more restricted sense.

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How Transgenic animals production benefits human beings?

How Transgenic animals production benefits human beings? Transgenic Animals These are those animals whose DNA is manipulated to possess and express an extra (foreign) gene. You might have seen the movie The Hulk in which the hero possess different characteristics of different organisms. His body can regenerate like lizard. (lizard tail can regenerate itself)  Transgenic

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Earthquake You might have faced sudden movement of earth.This sudden movement is called earthquake which occur when energy stored in elastically strained rocks is suddenly released.This release of energy causes intense ground shaking in the area near the source of earthquakes and sends waves called Seismic waves. Earthquake can be categorized as a geological hazard for


Tag found outside the document head which is only allowed as a direct child of the document head

You might be facing with this issue:”Tag found outside the document head which is only allowed as a direct child of the document head.” on your website. I had faced the same problem for my website. When I went to google search console to find the performance of my website. I found that most of

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Biohazard Meaning

When a biological substance poses a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily humans, it is termed as biohazard or biological hazard. This could include a sample of a microorganism, virus or toxin (from a biological source) that can affect human health. A biohazard could also be a substance harmful to other animals. Biological agents that can

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